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Media and Communication Psychologist's combine an understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotions. With a unique grasp of media communication & technology to answer the age-old question: what makes people like, share, and subscribe. 

Create your specific buyer personas

Analyze the behavior of those buyer personas

Determine how they shop

Determine how they communicate with each other and with businesses

Determine the emotional draw to your brand (people buy based on emotion over quality of product)

Identify value based stories and how to use them in messaging

Determine your voice and tone and evaluate how your persona will respond to various mediums

Tone of your images, branding, website, and store decor

What social media platform(s) should you use?

Determine how to speak your personas’ language on these platforms

Do you have a sense of humor? Is it Dry or Goofy?

Streamline user experience

Website User Experience

Work with website designer to give feedback on user experience and design story

Store User Experience

Complete a “safari” in the store to determine how to make the experience better

This includes visiting the store, observing customers, product placement, lighting, etc. to look for improvement opportunities

Educate clients on how to make psychology-based decisions for marketing strategies and design.

Participate in the design process

Assist in creating branding materials such as a logo

Assist in creating brand guidelines for brand assets

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